Own yourself again Take life backKnow where you wanna go

About Dolores Mae Hoppener
About Dolores Mae Hoppener
About Dolores Mae Hoppener
About Dolores Mae Hoppener
About Dolores Mae Hoppener
This is Dolores Mae Hoppener

Hi, this is me :)

Raw and vulnerable, having experienced how I could heal myself. The second time this happened, my eyes opened for good. I feel lucky to have experienced this process of stepping into an evolving journey of becoming more myself. With the most powerful healers and medicine people on my side, I invite you to join us on the path of freedom.

I help, everyone who feels the invitation from life, to be more free. Every dis-ease is an opening for limitless ease.

“I never thought I would help others”
Dolores Mae Hoppener speaking in public
As long we are on Earth, we can not have a healthy planet without healthy people.
Conference: Beyond Next. Client: Circle Economy. Speaking for 400 people.

I have worked in the creative industries for many years, for international consultancies like Fronteer, Delight Agency and launching the Inner Peace Conference. I know from firsthand experience how hard it is to balance the demands of our society with staying healthy and in true alignment to who you really are.

Without me realising, at the age of 21st my life was out of balance. I thought I was connected to my body but I found out I was disconnected to my deeper feelings and pains, and entangled in unhealthy patterns and ways of thinking. All of that came grinding to a halt when my body was throwing a red flag. No doctor nor any traditional medical institutions could help me. Because of that, I found my way to alternative medicine, which back then I didn't believe in… (yep, really).

As soon as I showed up to the process of listening to my body and heart, allowing my emotions, listening to my inner voice and nourishing my soul, my entire world started shifting and I haven't looked back!

Since then, I have had the privilege to work with some of the best teachers and practitioners in the world to reconnect to my true potential and for the past five years, I have served others to reconnect to theirs.

I am a lifelong learner and born with an interest in people, myself; seeing way more than our two eyes can see. When I discovered our innate ability to heal that interest became a longing to understand who we truly are as human beings: Why do we act the way we do? What are our decisions based on? What influences have our thoughts and memories on our perception of reality? How can we change our behaviour for the better? And how we can find satisfaction and peace? Because, let’s be honest, sometimes we waste so much energy wanting to change or control a situation (or a person) but we just can't. The first step to healing yourself is becoming aware of what you want to heal and dare to look at your past self to be able to change things now. In my own experience, those are the transitory phases where we need someone to help you find out what is in blocking the flow of energy, and very importantly; to just have our back.

How I started helping others? 

I get this question a lot. So let's share with you : 

Can you not help me?”, Nora asked me. Nora is a dear friend who at that time didn't feel good. “You have done so many courses...”, she continued.

Too be honest I was not expecting this, I was not doing courses and trainings to help others. It was all to become free myself. It didn’t cross my mind to help anybody else. Also in this field, you need to do your own process first.

Of course, I said yes to her question. We met at here home. She was laying down on her green sofa and I started. After that one session she was laughing, for the first time since a very long time she felt joy! If you have ever went through deep pains, or was around someone who is not feeling happy, you know how beautiful this is.

Her brother came.

His girlfriend.

And so on..

That's how it started.

We all have the potential to heal ourselves. I do not call myself a healer. I help you heal yourself. I let life express though me. It helps to have experience myself with an actual disease, and other challenges that life kindly gave me. I know now, that life is kind, no matter how hard or unfair it may seen in the moment. All difficult situations made me show how magnificent our system can work, and that made me interested to learn more about our inner power. And I still do, with every being that's coming. Showing me: 

The inner power we all have.

We are ment to come back to it.

You too.

Dolores Mae Hoppener in the water

My mission is to let you realize your immense inner power; that you mostly need yourself to heal from what is playing in your life right now. Whether it is physical or emotional; if you have pain, or you are not able to create the financial wealth that is waiting for you.

Everything that doesn't flow, is an opening for a more joyful life. Everything you long for is, longing for you.

1-1 healing & coaching sessions

Transformational sessions, coaching and mentoring to unblock what's blocking you from living up to your true potential. Together we go to the root cause of what’s at hand.

1-1 healing & coaching sessions

“Life-changing, energising, spectacular, miracle, true, worth so much! I have felt different after each session. I felt like a had left a burden behind, lighter, happier. It helped me in seeing things clearer. Breaking through old habits and patterns that where discouraging me from going forward in certain situations in my life."

Nina Schuyffel

Speaking Gigs

Inspiring companies to thrive and motivating people to be truly healthy in order to live and work in peace and flow. I love to combine my experience with research and easy but profound practices.

Speaking Gigs

“Dolores has a unique way of inspiring people who are looking forward in a space of personal growth coupled with view to bring positive change. She has a unique stage presence and blows the audience away with her combination of wisdom, wittiness and practical approach. It was great having her and I personally hope she gets many more chances to inspire more people for positive change. Please get in touch if you need more experience based recommendation."

Harald Friedl, Circle Economy

Programs & Workshops for companies

Transformational programs for companies to be able to thrive. Start with your people. Prevent burn-out. Offer a success mindset. Facilitate flow.

Programs & Workshops for companies

'The workshop was very good. Dolores has an amazing talent for holding groups, and inspiring them to practice the echniques. I liked the combination of insights and direct experience.'

Rosanne Hogedoorn, accenture

Group healings

Transformational gatherings in a safe space for truth and connection with yourself and others. 

Group healings

About the group healing workshops: I found the group healing sessions almost addictive. I got a lot out of that. Unbelievable that you can achieve so much via Zoom. I have seen, learned, felt so much. I never wanted to miss this.

Tessel Spreuwenburg
learning from the best

Credentials & Training

2021 — Project Next

Tony Robbins and Dean Grasiozi

2021 — Darma Shamanic Healing III

Jose Antonio Manchado

2020 — Eenvoudig gezond

Anna Kruiyswijk

2020 — Darma Shamanic Healing II

Jose Antonio Manchado

2020 — Conscious Therapist Course II

Jose Antonio Manchado & Jezabel Suarez

2019 — Darma Shamanic Healing I

Jose Antonio Manchado

2018-2019 — Reiki I, II

Toña Wong Chung

2018 — Circular Breathing

Dan Brulé, leader of the worldwide Spiritual Breathing movement

2017 — Conscious Therapist Course I

Jose Antonio Manchado & Jezabel Suarez

2016/2018 — Level 1,2,3 Rigpa Energetic Healing (Shindo)

Jose Antonio Manchado

2016-2019 — Setting up the Inner Peace Conference

Inner Peace Conference

2016-2018 — Management Team

Delight Yoga

2014/2018 — 550 hours Yoga Teacher Training, Delight Yoga

Katiza Satya & Kevin Sahaj, Shirley Woods

2014 — Heartfulness course

Saskia Nefkens

2012 — Mindfulness course

Saskia Nefkens

2006/2010 — a lot of inner work

This period I started to come back to myself and learn a lot by one-on guidance

2021 — Project Next

Tony Robbins and Dean Grasiozi

2021 — Darma Shamanic Healing III

Jose Antonio Manchado

2020 — Eenvoudig gezond

Anna Kruiyswijk

2020 — Darma Shamanic Healing II

Jose Antonio Manchado

2020 — Conscious Therapist Course II

Jose Antonio Manchado & Jezabel Suarez

2019 — Darma Shamanic Healing I

Jose Antonio Manchado

2018-2019 — Reiki I, II

Toña Wong Chung

2018 — Circular Breathing

Dan Brulé, leader of the worldwide Spiritual Breathing movement

2017 — Conscious Therapist Course I

Jose Antonio Manchado & Jezabel Suarez

2016/2018 — Level 1,2,3 Rigpa Energetic Healing (Shindo)

Jose Antonio Manchado

2016-2019 — Setting up the Inner Peace Conference

Inner Peace Conference

2016-2018 — Management Team

Delight Yoga

2014/2018 — 550 hours Yoga Teacher Training, Delight Yoga

Katiza Satya & Kevin Sahaj, Shirley Woods

2014 — Heartfulness course

Saskia Nefkens

2012 — Mindfulness course

Saskia Nefkens

2006/2010 — a lot of inner work

This period I started to come back to myself and learn a lot by one-on guidance